
19 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi

Breastfeeding tips

WHO (World Health Organization) and UNICEF, for babies 6 months of life in the first 4 months if possible, even without water, breast-feeding is recommended. All the best for the baby's biological needs, and full of food, is the mother's milk. The baby's healthy development, growth and protects from disease. Breastfeeding, due to close contact with your baby that you provide a link between the cause is. In the first half hour after your baby is born, and certainly without waiting for your milk without sugar water, you should always breastfeed him. Frequent breastfeeding within the first 48 hours, the milk is important in terms of adequacy. Because frequent breast-feeding is no longer depending on the secretion of milk. Therefore, even if your milk has not come yet, continue to breastfeed frequently.
Kolostorun-called first milk, is rich in proteins and in maintenance rather than to protect infants from infectious diseases is of large amounts of antibodies. A yellowish color with a thick consistency and colostrum, normal within the next few days will turn into breast milk. Colostrum liquid, after seventh month of your pregnancy sağlıyabilir. This month, except under the corona of the breast section (in the dark part around the nipple), will be held with the thumb and forefinger a short massage, may help to open the milk ducts.

Wash your hands before feeding your baby. Cotton soaked in warm water with boiled new you delete your nipples. Your baby as possible, get your arms in an upright position. By touching your nipple to the baby's cheeks as he instinctively turned to let the breast. Your baby, breast, head, dark circles around the nipple kısımla (moon) to get together to make sure his mouth. Thus, this section babies at the breast as the milk comes down from the lips. If only sucking the nipple can not just buy milk.

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